How MatterSnail Works

How MatterSnail simplifies and improves your firm's mail process.

Send mail through the USPS

MatterSnail has a powerful mail form that allows firms to completely eliminate printing, folding, stuffing, and mailing letters. Simply choose the documents you'd like to mail, enter your destination addresses, and we'll take care of the rest. We'll mail your letters through the USPS and provide you with important documents such as Proof of Service and Certificates of Acceptance directly from the USPS. Mail can be tracked through the platform or directly on the USPS website.

USPS mail form on MatterSnail

Monitor your sent mail

Monitor the status of your letters at any time with scanned events directly from the USPS. Get on-demand PDF copies of your letter contents for instant visibility of what your end recipients received in the mail. Documents are held for you indefinitely.

Preview of a sent letter on MatterSnail

Clio Integration (Optional)

MatterSnail securely connects to your Clio account to provide access to your documents, bills, and contacts.

Secure Clio Integration

MatterSnail is an integration partner with Clio, and allows you to use your existing documents, bills, and contacts in Clio to make sending snail mail fast and simple. With bi-directional syncing, we'll generate expense activities and matter notes and push them back into Clio for your convenience.

Diagram depicting how Clio works with MatterSnail

Simple Access

Connecting your Clio account takes only a few seconds, just click "Allow" and you're good to go.

Clio app approval screen

Revoke Clio access at any time

You can revoke Clio access at any time within settings. You can reconnect your Clio account at any time.

Revoke Clio screen in MatterSnail settings